Sunday, 14 January 2024

Getting started in Ho Chi Minh City!

Moving from the quiet of Can Tho to Ho Chi Minh City

It was a relatively easy 3-hour drive north back to Ho Chi Minh City. Some team members were dropped off at the airport, and I landed at my hotel for the week. 

I'm staying along the border of District 1 (main fancy tourist shopping district) and District 3 (more local) in a neighborhood called Dakao. It's my first time staying at the Wink Hotel, which is a joint Japanese-Vietnamese venture. Not quite a capsule room, but not quite a "deluxe" room-- it was perfect for me! Would they like a middle-aged, sweaty speech pathologist for their spokesperson? I would do it. 

I love all the side streets and nooks and crannies
in the HCMC neighborhoods.

COVID prevention measures

Lots more painted murals this trip, so pretty!

Stay tuned for a scooter-obsessed post. Love how the gas station is just filled with scooters, rather than cars.

Sidewalk dining options

I will try for "Graceful Soaring" this year.

Walked through a teen-focused clothing and tchotchkes market at the Youth Station. According to the UN's 2023 numbers (thanks, Google!), Vietnam currently has the highest proportion of young people in the country's history. 

Lots of "fast casual" coffee shops in the Dakao neighborhood

A Levin family tradition--find the legal profession-related destinations in any city you are visiting.

Kale, lemon ricotta, and capers pizza and a house-made yuzu soda at 4 Ps Pizza, a Japanese chain in HCMC.
(I'm also available for spokeperson for them...just saying)

Small temple across the street from my hotel.

"Compliance with Traffic Safety Laws. Building a Lifestyle for Traffic Culture." Helmets have been required for 5+ years. 

The view of the neighborhood from my 11th floor room

Ho Chi Minh City is super busy and energizing. Here's a traffic circle a couple of blocks from my hotel. 

A beautiful thing about having a long history working with this team is staying connected to Vietnamese people through different stages of their lives. Doctors and therapists that I've known for 15+ years have kids who are now in medical school, university, Australian speech-language pathology programs... it's really wonderful to share all their accomplishments!

I started working with Hoa in Can Tho when she was a young undergraduate-- she was one of our interpreters at the hospital. I met back up with her in HCMC this trip, which was another highlight! 

Just to brag on Hoa a little bit-- She finished her undergrad degree and went on to work for an LED lighting company with offices and factories in HCMC and Danang, more recently settling back in HCMC with a production team getting a new factory up and running. One of their bigger customers is Home Depot. That Home Depot Christmas tree with the LED lights on it (that recently had a viral run?)-- that is from her company. She's getting to travel internationally for work to Japan and Germany and recently married her long-time boyfriend. She just bought an apartment in HCMC. She's crushing it in the big city! We ate and talked for almost 3 hours, it was such a great visit. 

Next up, indulging my scooter fandom for a moment, and then my 3 intensive teaching days at HCMC Pediatric Hospital #1. 

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